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The BIG Reason

Music, opinions, and portfolio of Mark Eagleton, musician and web developer in Northern CA.


This is where I tell you what I really think. This website doesn’t support comments by design, that is what your blog is for!

Viewing articles tagged with “misophonia.”

  1. Dinner Music

    I’m a segmented sleeper, and am usually up between 2 and 5 a.m. on any given morning. I sometimes pass the time by giving sympathy and advice to sufferers on the /r/misophonia subreddit. Recently, I’ve noticed a trend of teenagers complaining about their parents hassling them about wearing headphones at the dinner table. As a father of teenagers, a headphone enthusiast, a music lover, and a Misophonia sufferer, I feel I am uniquely qualified to advise in these situations when asked.

  2. Selective Sounds Sensitivity Syndrome awareness bracelet

    Loudness Is Not A Factor For Misophonia Trigger Sounds

    The Newcastle Paper is really riding the news cycle. Pretty much every post to /r/misophonia this past week has been an article about the study. That is awesome! However, I feel I need to point out a common misconception I see repeated in many of these articles—especially by those who suffer from Misophonia: that loudness is a factor for trigger sounds. It is not, and I think saying otherwise can cause avoidable hardships down the line.

  3. Misophonia awareness bracelet, keys, wallet and glasses
  4. The Incredible Hulk