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The BIG Reason

Music, opinions, and portfolio of Mark Eagleton, musician and web developer in Northern CA.


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Viewing articles tagged with “amplifiers.”

  1. Four brand new spray cans of contact cleaner on a kitchen table

    Service Checklist

    Amp techs often throw around the phrase “service the amp,” but what does that really mean? Are all service technicians on the same page when they say they are going to give your amp “a full service?” Probably not. I know what’s on my page, though, and it seems like I’m always refining it, so I thought it would be helpful if I shared my checklist. Yes, it is an actual checklist. It can be hard to keep track of where you are on every repair when you have multiple items, waiting on parts, approvals, or for you to be finished with the previous thing.

  2. Mesa Walkabout amp chassis on a work bench
  3. A custom-built guitar tube amp on a workbench powered on

    I Built A Guitar Amplifier From Scratch

    I’ve been studying the art of tube amplifier design for about ten years now, and actually repairing them for about five. I love analizing schematics, pouring over the inside of an amp chassis, and studying the layout choices made by the designer. It was only a matter of time before I took a crack at it myself. That time finally came.  

  4. Pedalboard on workbench with a tuner, A/B box, boost pedal and bass preamp
  5. Modded K&K preamp on top of amplifier
  6. Tremolo effects unit
  7. 1963 Fender Bandmaster in a 2x10 combo cabinet

    Phantom Crackle

    My buddy Ivan uses this combo-ified 1963 Band-Master as his backup. It suffered from a phantom crackle that would only appear after being warmed up for an hour or two. It had been in and out of another shop for over a year, and the problem was never successfully addressed.

  8. Burned relay and wire resistor
  9. Early 60s Fender Bandmaster chassis
  10. Silverface Fender Champ circuit

    Sliver-Face Champ

    About three or four years ago, I found myself falling down a rabbit hole of tube amp repair videos. It started innocently enough with the humble idea of building a custom foot-switchable preamp/mixer for my double bass. That lead to me building a few guitar stomp boxes. Before I knew it, I was watching hours and hours of tube amp repair videos every week.

  11. Mesa Walkabout bass amp, King Moretone double bass, and K&K preamp

    My Bass Rig 2016

    The Upright Bass Players Union is one of the few reasons I keep a Facebook account. It’s an awesome group of working class rockabilly and honky tonk players who share tips and talk a lot of shit. Amplifying the double bass isn’t easy, so it is incredibly helpful to see such a diverse range of rigs and setups. I think I have some pretty unique things going on in my rig, so I thought I should share it with the group. I like to own my mojo, though, so I’m posting it here as well.