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The BIG Reason

Music, opinions, and portfolio of Mark Eagleton, musician and web developer in Northern CA.

Boneback Sarsky Solo Project front cover

Front cover of Boneback’s Sarsky Solo Project album.

Boneback - Starsky Solo Project

In the mid 90s, my band used to share the bill with this Sacto band quite a bit. They were great guys, and one of my favorite local bands at the time.

The Sacto scene was dominated by rap/metal and Pearl Jam-inspired bands at the time. Boneback were refreshingly gruff, and I think our bands complimented each other well.

I have been searching my house high and low for the past decade for this album, and I finally found it! This record is out of print and not available on steaming services. Boneback is too good to be forgotten, so I’m posting it here as a service to music fans.

Track listing:

  1. The Urge
  2. Free Love
  3. Pill Machine
  4. Fourth Kind
  5. Gift
  6. Drug -Star
  7. Kiss the Fist
  8. You Want It (Ego Mania)
  9. Garbage Truck
  10. Evel K
  11. The Base

Downloads include cover art and liner notes in the metadata. MP3 files are encoded at 320 kbps bitrate. Please note, I will take the files down at the artist’s request. Be sure to get it while you can.