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The BIG Reason

Music, opinions, and portfolio of Mark Eagleton, musician and web developer in Northern CA.


This is where I tell you what I really think. This website doesn’t support comments by design, that is what your blog is for!

Viewing articles tagged with “beer.”

  1. Half drunk The People’s Jimmy Pardo in a schooner
  2. CA State Fair good beer map
  3. 21st Amendment Brewery Black IPA

    Can Beer Please

    Now that more craft breweries are canning, the bennifits of canned beer vs. bottled are finally starting to trickle into public awareness. Many of the articles I’ve read on the subject, however, seem to pride themselves on outlining “just some of the benifits.”

    This is an insult to the cause. Bottles are bad for beer and bad for our planet. It’s time for a comprehensive list of why bottles should go away completely and cans should be the default packaging vessel for beer.