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The BIG Reason

Music, opinions, and portfolio of Mark Eagleton, musician and web developer in Northern CA.

Dear Anti-healthcare Folks

13% of my annual income goes to providing health insurance to my family. This doesn't include the money I pay to cover the portion of medical services my insurance doesn't cover. Last year these costs exceeded $3,000. For those keeping track, medical costs for my family exceeded 18% of my annual income last year.

13% of my annual income goes to providing health insurance to my family. This doesn't include the money I pay to cover the portion of medical services my insurance doesn't cover. Last year these costs exceeded $3,000. For those keeping track, medical costs for my family exceeded 18% of my annual income last year.

To help offset these costs, I do freelance work and play in two bands. I enjoy these things, but I rather not rely on them to avoid bankruptcy. For those of you who view universal health care as a step in the wrong direction, please take a closer look at where our health care system is right now.

It may also be wise for you to note that as little as two years ago, I was paying $120 per month to cover my family's health insurance costs. If you are currently paying below $500 per month to cover your family, enjoy yourself while it lasts.

[UPDATE:] If you wouldn't mind sharing, I'd be curious to hear what percentage of your annual income goes towards health insurance. If you need help with the math, the formula is:

annual health care cost ÷ annual income * 100